
Attendance Phone: 250-386-8213

Attendance Email:

Attendance Information 
Success in learning is closely related to attendance, therefore attendance and lates are closely monitored at Shoreline. The following procedures will apply:

Lates – Being on time to class is expected and is the responsibility of every Shoreline student. Students arriving late disturb the class, feel left out and fall behind. A student late to school or class must report to the office for a late slip. All lates are recorded and reviewed by the principal. Parents will be contacted if chronic lateness occurs.

Absences / Call back – If a student is to be absent for a legitimate reason a parent/guardian is expected to contact the call back program 250-386-8213. A telephone answering machine is available 24 hours a day. If no call has been recorded, the call back system will contact the home, work place, or emergency contact number to verify an absence. Again, parents will be contacted if chronic absenteeism occurs. A record of attendance is reported with each report card.

Sign out / Early dismissal – If early dismissal is required, a note from a parent/guardian is required and should be presented to the teacher. Students are then requested to sign out at the office before leaving. If a student becomes ill during the day or needs to leave for an appointment, they can call home from the office and a staff member will speak to an adult before the student is allowed to sign out.