Exploratory Programs

Exploratory Programs

Here at Shoreline we have a Home Ec room with many kitchens for students to cook in and tables to sew at, we have a Wood Shop with power tools and hands tools and piles of wood, we have an Art Room full of paper, paints, clay, and many other materials to make art with, and a Sustainability Lab where students learn how to survive and thrive through games and hands on learning.

Shoreline ART! 

In Art we focus on creativity and confidence playing purposefully with many different materials and ideas. We draw from our imagination, from the world around us, from printed images and collectively. We paint with acrylics and watercolors to tell stories, to experiment, to learn some of the skills of the masters and to have fun. We create many different things with clay to experience a process that requires patience and brings joy. Each year we build on the skills the students have learnt the previous years.



Home Economics

In this course, students focus on food preparation and sewing. These hands-on learning experiences help students identify and explore their interests while building practical skills that are lifelong and have meaning for everyday use.  Students practice creative and critical thinking while learning safe and sanitary food handling procedures, equipment care, comprehension of recipes, textile design, and the importance of efficient work habits. We also explore nutritional needs and the environmental factors that locally and globally influence food choices. As students progress through the middle years,  they will be challenged by increased independence and responsibility.

Outdoor Education

In this interdisciplinary class, students learn how to “survive and thrive, over time.” We connect the dots between science and social studies, math and language arts, physical and digital literacy, the arts and the outdoors through hands-on learning activities that help students better care for themselves, their communities and the future of their world.
The Sustainability Exploratory course embodies some of the most important changes in the B.C. curriculum, such as the new focus on “Personalized Learning, Aboriginal Perspectives and Knowledge, Ecology and Environment, Historical Wrongs, and Flexible Learning Environments” (BC Ministry of Education’s Curriculum Orientation Guide).
Ms. Menzies created this course and the classroom it is held in to be inclusive and engaging for students of all abilities and cultural backgrounds. It features place-based, Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
In 2019 the “Shoreline Wastebusters” won $1000 in the BC Green Games, beating 148 other schools.
In the News
According to the Goldstream Gazette and the View Royal Mayor, Shoreline students are making their community a better place!
Field Trips
In 2019, 50 Sustainability students from throughout the school went to Science World. For many, it was their first time on the ferry, let alone to this world class hub of hands-on learning!
In 2020, we were planning to go to Galiano Island to experience the Galiano Conservancy’s restoration field school at the Millard Learning Center, which Ms. Menzies helped to establish in 2012.